4119 Humbert Road | Alton, Illinois | 618-465-8100 

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Humbert Road Dentistry experience...
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Humbert Road Dentistry is a dental practice that provides quality dental care to patients in the Greater Alton Area. They are committed to providing the best possible service and care for their patients. Humbert Road Dentistry is a family-oriented practice, with a knowledgeable and friendly staff.

The Humbert Road Dentistry reviews and testimonials section will provide you with an opportunity to read reviews left by other clients, as well as share your own thoughts about the services provided by Humbert Road Dentistry.

We are excited to share with you the reviews of our patients. We hope that these reviews will help you make a decision about coming to our office for your dental needs.

We want to thank all of our patients for taking the time to leave us feedback and reviews. We always appreciate hearing feedback from our patients and strive to provide the best service possible.